Thursday, January 3, 2008

aroma therapy soy candles

The aromatherapy soy candle is a fantastic way to create a relaxing scent that will lift your mood. Inhaling the essential oils' scent while admiring the flickering of the candle will quickly relax your spirit. In addition, because they are soy based, they don't degrade the environment as they don't use paraffin wax and animal products. Also, they give off a fresh, clean scent.

Essential oils make up the candles. These oils, when burned, have been shown to better the user's mood. However, given that traditional medicine has yet to embrace the aromatherapy soy candle, it is primarily employed by alternative medical practitioners.

Enjoyment and Mood

You can use aromatherapy either by yourself or with a significant other. For example, rather than suffer bright bathroom lights while bathing, you could light an aromatherapy soy candle and relax while a soothing scent surround s you. Or, another example would be to set a romantic mood in the bedroom. Consequently, an aromatherapy candle gift is a great option for both couples and single friends.

There are various scents you can choose to help you get the mood you desire. One use, for instance, would be to use a lavender scented candle to promote sleep should anxieties keep you awake.

Regardless of use, always keep safety in mind. Using the above example, falling asleep with lit candles could be dangerous.

Please remember that real aromatherapy candles contain essential oils to help deliver emotional state changes. However, you could buy synthetic candles that are scented but which don't contain these oils. It's not proven that they will have the desired therapeutic effect. Thus, before you purchase a candle, read the label first.

So, what's the main lesson? Use an aromatherapy soy candle to achieve a specific mood at a specific time. You'll find them a great way to relax, sleep, unwind, or delve into whatever state you seek. Or, given the benefits, give an aromatherapy candle gift to someone you care about